

Be a Gentleman

gentleman 150x150 Be a gentlemanBe a gentleman. A few days ago I found a blogger who writes,
“I still always feel honored and respect as a gentle men still treat women with Certain manner. Gentle man whose name, he’ll be a gentleman to all women. I myself do not know why I always got the same award more gentle men. For me anyway, which is too busy at this time, when people already started to not care about other people’s business, I’ll Consider Such a gentle treatment as a cute and sweet little thing. ”

Then I was also reminded of a frequent jokes circulating on the internet, reads like this:
If a man into a glass of water is a handsome woman, she says, “Here comes a man a gentleman.”
If the bad guy into a glass of water to a woman, a woman says, “Instinct maid, yes so.”
Two examples quoted above are only a quarter ounce of hundreds of thousands of quintals advice romance glorifying a characteristic that we are familiar with the term Gentleman.Once the splendor of view, we will not be hard to hear ‘the attitude of a gentleman’ is mentioned as a key to success in the love lives of a number of public figures, both within and outside the country.

Women always say they crave a gentleman because their attitude is charming, attentive, sensitive, romantic, does not impose the will, patience, willing to sacrifice, to protect and meet the needs of the couple.

So if you are like most other men on this earth, you would be bothered by the question, “So far I’ve did everything, but why I got same results with my coveted woman?”
“I’m still not how a gentleman anymore? Here she is clearly already talking with his own lips mouth if I was the only man who could understand her outside the palace, and all her male friends threat her  could never like me. But why he wants friends wrote, do not want in my relationship together? ”

be a man 150x150 Be a gentlemanThen the question most poignantly, “He touched until cry when told all my tenderness and attention to make her feel  really special and I probably actually the right man for her, but she still could not leave her man even if her man is a jerk and clearly tortured feelings really. He asked me to lef him and forget it, then he’ll continue to pray for me so that I could find a woman who is more valuable and worthy than he. Why? Why?!? ”

Sorry, I do not mean to scratch the wounds again, pal. I promised not to make this article as the moment of tissue and tears.

I just wanted to invite you to think well. This will be a moment of Lights Head Lights On.
If you are correcting back all your experience, do women really want a Gentleman?

At this point, I could not answer with a short.

I can only do in stages, ie first by submitting that the gentleman was not a combination of the word ‘gentle’ and ‘man’ can be defined as’ a good man, ‘gentle man’, ‘a man’s attention,’ or the like.
Open your eyes, guys.

Gentleman has said the root of the word in French, gentilhomme, which means Nobleman or a man with values, character and high status. In Webster ANDAs, Gentleman described as follows:

(A) a man of refinement,
(B) a man Whose conduct conforms to a high standard,
(C) a man WHO combines gentle rank with chivalrous qualities.

What are the things above in accordance with the understanding with the gentleman that you often from parents, girlfriends, movie-song-novel and popular psychology books about the romance in this modern era?

When they advise you to be a gentleman when approaching a woman, whether they meant to do actions that test the value of women in order to determine whether he is quite compatible with the standard class yourself?

Absolutely not!
You have been taught to keep it flatter, cajole, bribe and convince him that you need to be given the opportunity to be part of his life. Since the beginning of the approach, you’re busy making it feel more valuable and sophisticated than you, the hope she felt a special bond when you are together with you.
You routinely prove yourself more ‘gentle’ than all the other men who want to approach it.That’s why you love listening to all her sharing about a jerk who caught his attention. That’s why you never want to miss out or pay attention to little things to her, such as opening the car door, always there when needed, provide a shoulder to cry on, tell the hour of eating, or just to remind him not to sleep late.
Instead of these things wrong, guys.

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