

Do you want still strong when girl say NO?

Do you want still strong when girl say NO? No doubt - discarded or rejected by a girl is a big blow to self esteem. Your confidence can be a bit bruised but remember - no guts no glory. The man who is now dating a woman has a share in a lot of rejection before it reaches its position - which means the experience will always be your best teacher. 

So, follow these simple tips on how to deal when a girl says no:
* This is not the end of the world. Do you feel like you will spend your whole life alone and lonely? Come on - be thrown out of really bad.Of course you like her, but she did not - let’s face it. Sad if you mustbut never desperate pleading for her to want you. Get a grip and focus yourself on the other.

When a girl says No
* There are many other girls out there. When a girl says no, so what? She was not the only woman in the world. Accept with grace,be cool and never be rude. Respect the decision and resume your life.
girl reject man 150x150 When a girl says No* Rejection is all part of the game. Can you imagine yourself asking a hundred girls for dating and they agree? So boring. Where’s the challenge? Any refusal to create a motivation for you to do better.

Remember, as soon as you got No, you must step back, and disappear for a while. that Could be a month or more. That would be make the situation normal and you become friend again with her.

When a girl says No

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